
A common question so common we have had to put articles on the bulletin board in the library and even buy a book or two is :How can I start a food truck business. Man y inmates feel work will be very difficult to find when they reenter and the idea of big bucks in a small business appeals to them.

I often use a nice article Entrepreneur magazine wrote to respond to this common question.

Goin’ Mobile: Your Options Even before you decide what  foods to sell, you’ll want to consider how you want to sell them.

Clearly, your decision on how to sell your foods will depend on:

  1. Your startup money, budget and potential for returns
  2. Your commitment to the business: part time, full time, etc.
  3. Your creative ideas and what it will take to fulfill them
  4. Your experience at running a business
  5. The size of the business you want to start
  6. Your ideal demographic

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220060#ixzz2rAWVtTuJ


I often accompany this with business plan books and computer tutorials. Many of the men want their business yesterday and instant returns.

Licenses and Permits
Before you finish putting your menu  together, building your perfectly retrofitted cart or truck or setting up your  kiosk, you need to get your licensing in order. While that’s not one of the more  exciting aspects of your entrepreneurial pursuit, it’s one of the most  important. It is, in fact, the overall commitment to more stringent health codes  and sanitary regulations that have paved the way for food vehicles to generate  such a mass following.

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220060#ixzz2rAY17Bp1