What happens to the Kings Crown when he dies!


I realize that some library requests are meant to settle inmate debates and bets, recently the reference desk has received numerous requests about Royal Crowns. One inmate said it was discussion about Lebron James and him wearing a symbolic crown that actually got the men talking about the significance of a Crowns meaning. Many of the men felt that when a king passes the crown is completely destroyed. That no one else will ever touch it. They also felt that the King wears his crown daily. We did look into several books we had in our collection about royalty as well as encyclopedias it was fun to try to get to the bottom of the CROWN. We of course were able to answer some things in 45 minutes but many questions remain.

From Wikipedia we learned that historically:

Three distinct categories of crowns exist in those monarchies that use crowns or state regalia.

The coronation crowns were reused for the ceremony each time, they weren’t destroyed when a King passed according to most of our research. However, the jewels were at times sold, or in general many of these ancient crowns no longer exist at all. The men have decided that they are going to research this further and they want the same from me. They want me to go well beyond Wikipedia and there is some hope that we may even get a comment or two on this blog. So stay tuned for our first in depth RESEARCH question.

Today, only the British Monarchy and Tongan Monarchy continue this tradition as the only remaining anointed and crowned monarchs, though many monarchies retain a crown as a national symbol in heraldry. The French Crown Jewels were sold in 1885 on the orders of the Third French Republic, with only a token number, with their precious stones replaced by glass, held on to for historic reasons and displayed by the Louvre. The Spanish Crown Jewels were destroyed in a major fire in the eighteenth century while the Irish Crown Jewels (actually merely the Sovereign’s insignia of the Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick) were stolen from Dublin Castle in 1907.


Food Trucks -Small Businesses


A common question so common we have had to put articles on the bulletin board in the library and even buy a book or two is :How can I start a food truck business. Man y inmates feel work will be very difficult to find when they reenter and the idea of big bucks in a small business appeals to them.

I often use a nice article Entrepreneur magazine wrote to respond to this common question.

Goin’ Mobile: Your Options Even before you decide what  foods to sell, you’ll want to consider how you want to sell them.

Clearly, your decision on how to sell your foods will depend on:

  1. Your startup money, budget and potential for returns
  2. Your commitment to the business: part time, full time, etc.
  3. Your creative ideas and what it will take to fulfill them
  4. Your experience at running a business
  5. The size of the business you want to start
  6. Your ideal demographic

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220060#ixzz2rAWVtTuJ


I often accompany this with business plan books and computer tutorials. Many of the men want their business yesterday and instant returns.

Licenses and Permits
Before you finish putting your menu  together, building your perfectly retrofitted cart or truck or setting up your  kiosk, you need to get your licensing in order. While that’s not one of the more  exciting aspects of your entrepreneurial pursuit, it’s one of the most  important. It is, in fact, the overall commitment to more stringent health codes  and sanitary regulations that have paved the way for food vehicles to generate  such a mass following.

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220060#ixzz2rAY17Bp1

What Exactly is a Halal Diet and can an inmate truly follow such a plan?

In prison an inmate is often forced to do the best they can with what little they get food wise.

The Halal diet includes the dietary restrictions observed by those of the Muslim faith. Within the Halal diet there are certain restrictions on what can and cannot be eaten and the proper methods of slaughter that are acceptable. For those of the Muslim faith, overeating and self-indulgence are not permitted and eating is an active part of worship.
The Halal diet is mostly practiced by Muslims who live in non-Muslim countries. There are specialty stores that specialize in these products. Some of the items that are not allowed on the Halal diet include any type of pork product, foods that contain any alcohol, lard that may be cooked from a pig, any meats containing blood, gelatin made from porcine skin or bones and any animals that died from causes other than being slaughtered. Fish with scales are always considered to be a safe part of the Halal diet.

Read more at http://www.dietsinreview.com/diets/halal-diet/#HjUdbLoTZJuGwvjH.99

It is hard to choose what exactly to print out for inmates this is an important paragraph because often a question is being posed with future litigation in mind.

As for people with specific dietary needs, they are often out of luck. Vegans, for example, have been quite unfortunate in the past. Most courts have determined that prisons do not have to require animal-free products to vegans, regardless of their religious or personal beliefs. Typically, only pregnant women and inmates suffering from medical conditions such as diabetes or AIDS are approved for any type of special diet. Even then, however, all foods must be approved by the institution’s dietitian.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_4567963_prison-food.html#ixzz2r3g70BTg

Life Expectancy of African American Males


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An inmate recently asked: What was the life expectancy of a black male in 1970.

I responded as follows: I visited many websites and narrowed it to between 60-62. I included a chart that I examined from this website in this post. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5414a6.htm

So why is this man and so many men in prison curious as to what the life expectancy was in particular years? Well in 1970 many young men were given life sentences now those men are 60, 70 even older.